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How we generated 2x revenue growth in 6 weeks

How we generated 2x revenue growth in 6 weeks


Remote.com is a global HR solutions provider helping remote-first companies hire, manage, and pay employees around the world. Their platform is developed to assist international large and small companies in managing their payroll, benefits, taxes, and compliance.


As Remote.com added an entity in Belgium, their new target is to grow revenue by 50% compared to the previous year. To meet the ambitious target in a changing market, the company asked us to develop a new go-to-market strategy with a more scalable way of generating B2B high-quality leads.


We ran Growth Sprint, where we immediately identified their blind spot: Remote.com operated in a broad and highly competitive market. While the company was able to provide different solutions to various industries, it’s extremely hard to stand out in the marketplace with such a generic positioning. So, we decided to narrow down the target market and positioning, set up a small-scoped pilot campaign to see the market feedback and identify what should be improved in their GTM strategy. We worked together with Remote.com on account selection and disqualification criteria, trained the team on account list building, and account research.


The narrow target segment and positioning enabled Remote.com to get much higher response rates and eventually win much larger contracts. We generated 2x revenue growth over 6 weeks for Remote.com

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