How to Craft Strong Brand Messaging for Your Brand

How to Craft Strong Brand Messaging for Your Brand

3 years ago   |   5 min read

Brand messaging is the way your brand communicates its unique value proposition and personality to your audience. It can inspire and motivate them, making them want to buy your product.

Not only that, It’s also a way for your consumers to have a relationship with your brand. Your story’s language, design and events represent who you are as a brand.

To define your brand message is a process that requires many in-house, audience, and market analysis. Many factors impact the way companies position themselves and determine their form of communication. And to create a more precise strategy, we need to take care of all those points. 

So, how do you get started crafting brand messaging that your target audience will love?

First, let’s focus on taglines, since they cover the overall company vision. Taglines tell the world who you are and what you stand for. Usually they are catchy and easy to understand. But of course, to build an interesting tagline you need to take more consideration and strategy into it so you will be memorable to your target audience.

So what makes a great tagline? Let’s pay attention to a few things to be considered:

  • It’s memorable

The best taglines stay in your head. They’re unforgettable. Not only that, but with just a few words, they generate a recognisable brand image inside your audience’s head. 

  • Likeable to your target audience

People may be able to remember a tagline because they frequently see it or heard about it. However it doesn’t mean they’ll like it more. There are only three things actually influenced likability:

  • Clarity of message
  • Creativity of expression
  • Expose benefit
  • Related to your brand

A great tagline also reflects the brand’s identity, character, promise, and personality. You need to carry those elements that are relevant to your brand so when your target audience sees your slogan they understand the value of your brand.

After you craft your slogan, let’s prepare with the three angles to keep in mind before you jump to create your powerful brand message. What are they?

  • The Customer Angle

Be customer-centric, view your brand from your audience’s point of view. Feel their shoes and get inside your customer’s mind. You can do a survey and get the data to tell you more about your customers and understand their needs as well as what matters to them.

  • The Internal Angle

Examine your brand together with your internal team. What is actually your vision? Can you imagine where your brand will be for over next year? Or even next five years?  

  • The Competitive Angle

Be unique and authentic. It’s totally understandable that you need progress to come to the surface of sea competition. But you have to make sure that your buyers are not confusing your brand with a competitor. You need to stand out.

Now it’s time to build your brand messaging! When creating the message, let’s have a look at these frameworks to kick off. You can begin with these steps:

  • Identify Your Purpose

Before you start to craft your brand message, think about what do you want your audience to do when they see your message? Do you want them to give you a call, sign up for something or buy what you’re offering? You have to be clear with this. Once it’s done, you can move on to the next step.

  • Messaging Style

Many brands are competing for their audience’s attention. To emerge from a sea of competition, you have to be well considered when crafting your own messaging style. One of the ways is to establish a tone for your message that represents your brand and resonates with your target audience.

Try to understand what they’re looking for and once you start focusing on the audience’s perspective, you’ll be better able to craft a compelling message that resonates with them. Keep in mind that your tone may change as your brand evolves.

  • Story Tactics

Using clear storytelling tactics into your messaging can make your brand message be more memorable and engaging to your audience. Don’t forget that how you present the information is also important, for example, the structure of the pages of your website and other marketing material should walk your customers through a story where they learn about your brand and the reason why they need you before you present them your offer.

Highlight your customers’ pain points and visualise your brand as the story’s superhero which gets rid of their worries.

  • Deliver Your Message

Every single person has her/his own way to attain information, either by audio or visual. And any form of content whether it’s video, images or written has its own value. But from its performance, videos tend to perform better because it can give you a chance to hook the viewer by engaging both their visual and auditory senses. In order to create an engaging video contents, there are key elements that you need to apply:

  • Focus on creating content that has the tendency to evoke an emotional response.
  • Consider the concept and message more of the video instead of just its visual aspects.
  • Pay attention to context and optimising the delivery of the message based on the distribution channel, and finally, establishing a clear CTA.

There are many brands that have authentic slogans and brand messaging. The best brands do this with consistency and character, time after time. One of the great examples is Nike. Their simple tagline “Just Do It” became one of the biggest ad ideas in history because it spoke to each person in a unique way. For some, it motivated them to push past their personal limits. Ultimately, It has a powerful message to their audience. The tagline covers important aspects such as memorable, likeable and brand related.

So what are the key takeaways to craft your great brand message?
  1. Start with your tagline, you need to create an authentic and unique tagline to be different from your competitors. 
  2. Pay attention to 3 elements when making taglines such as memorable, likeable and related to your brand. 
  3. After you are done with it, don’t forget to consider the angles of your brand message that covers Customer Angle, Internal Angle and Competitive Angle. 
  4. Then you can go with the framework that mentioned above while crafting for the best message that suits your brand value!