How to make a Landing Page that converts for your business

How to make a Landing Page that converts for your business

3 years ago   |   9 min read

Before you think about the need of being a technical person to code through landing page software or to configure a domainIsubdomain, or even the need of being a designer to design the perfect landing page. Have in mind that you don’t really need to be one of them, because a non-technical person surely can make a great landing page!

Before we jump to the explanations and steps, first you have to understand the struggles and goals of your prospects. You need to have pretty detailed knowledge about your customers’ sort of pains and gains. Each customer has their ultimate goals which are the outcomes, which means what they’re trying to achieve, their ultimate goal.

Here we can define outcomes into three different levels and we can use the examples of a person who wants to create her/his landing page as the prospect:

  • Functional Outcome

For example, if someone wants to make a landing page and use a landing page builder tool, they want to generate more leads such as sign ups or maybe boost sales. 

  • Emotional Outcome

In this level, it can be the proud feeling that they have when they see good pages on their landing page. 

  • Social Outcome

For social level, a person wants to be perceived as someone who’s professional at their work

Basically in order to get the full impact of your landing page, you have to know your prospect’s ultimate goal. Instead of using only your assumption, these matters can be answered through the customer interviews. But before we start with the interviews, we need to understand these 4 forces that helps you to put yourself in your prospects’ headspace:

  • Pain

Things that your prospects are suffering from and pushing them towards you.

  • Promise

It’s related to their outcomes, what does the promises of their future look like such as new solutions or how’s that going to change their life.

  • Anxiety

This is one of the forces that push back against them when they’re on your website. It’s the problem that they feel when trying to achieve their goal.

  • Inertia

It’s a sort of habit, an inability to try because of reasons, such as high cost or maybe unfamiliar product categories.

The purpose to know these forces are to help you to overcome and find ways tactically to address this in your landing page especially in your copy. It helps you to incorporate customer’s language to be added on your landing page because the more you resonate with your prospects, the more they feel comfortable to stay on your landing page. After knowing the forces, you can finally do the interview to get customer insights.

How to use customer customer insights to supercharge your landing page?

Interviews are often overlooked but it’s really a secret weapon behind crafting compelling copy. 

So, what’s the best method to do an interview?

First method, you can interview customers yourself. Ask yourself how you feel about the product. If you can’t do that you can see through online reviews. 

Another method you can do is to speak to your sales team or customer service. Because they will have customer’s insights and you can utilize it. 

Photo by Christina @

The last and the best method is to primary research yourself. You can record them or even transcribe the answers. So what you are going to do is to speak to your product’s recent sign ups/prospects. Organize your interview based on the 4 forces mentioned above. Then you can have your customer’s insights to reinforce your landing page copies that resonate their language or needs. In addition, you need to make sure they get warmer to stay on your landing page.

After gaining insights of your prospects, let’s begin to create the landing page.

We call it a 15 minutes landing page.

How and why should you create a landing page in 15 minutes?

First of all, why 15 minutes? 

Well, you can make a landing page in a week or even in a month. But take note of this, to make a landing page is an iterative process means that you have to keep improving your landing page until it finally resonates with your audience. 

You can make it through google slides or powerpoint, whatever is quick and dirty. Just make the raw draft before you put it together and finalize the design. And we do this in 15 minutes.

And how do we do that?

  • Headline

This part is super important because it’s the first thing that people will see in the next three seconds. Make sure that you are talking about the outcome or your customer’s expectation that answers their pain/problem. 

Do not try to talk about your product, try to talk about what your prospects are trying to achieve.

Try to take this exercise:

  1. Take 1 minute, take a post-it note and scrap a paper. Write down a couple ideas for headlines.
  2. Start with the words “Now you can…….” and then fill in the blanks for the next words.
  3. Try to fill in with your prospects’ goal or what they are trying to achieve.
  • Sub-Headline

After they read your headline, hopefully they will move to the sub-headline. The job for sub-headline is to get your prospect to invest a little bit more time to look. 

What you can do, pay attention to these points:

  1. What is it? Try to be clear to explain your product. Especially if you are a new product category.
  2. Who’s it for? Who needs your product, put it in your sub-headline.
  3. What are the benefits? This part you can highlight your product’s benefit! Tell them what benefits they will get.
  • Social Proof

We really need to use some social proof to show your product’s credibility that helps to overcome their problem or anxiety. Some people make mistakes by showing testimonials or a quote or maybe a case study that doesn’t actually align with your customer’s goal.

What you can do:

  1. Take 2 minutes to curate/organize your testimonials. Pull those testimonials from your customer online reviews or if you have an app, you can take a look at your app reviews. If you don’t have any reviews yet, you can ask for a review to your existing customer by email. Then you can gather and pull it off to your landing page.
  2. Make sure your testimonial aligns with your prospects goal.

You can take relevant testimonials that overcome your prospect’s painIproblem.

  1. Put quantifiable testimonials.

Numbers are powerful, if one of your prospects succeeds in getting the amount of sales from your service. You can highlight this one.

  • Features vs Benefits

Write down two or three killer sort of features that you have that you’re going to highlight on your landing pages which solve your prospects’ pain. 

However, what you need to do:

  1. Avoid talking about the future, you need to explain the outcome of the feature and how your prospects perceive your product’s benefit. What benefit that allows your prospect to do, think about it.
  2. Take 5 minutes to write down the 3 top killers benefits of your product and what benefits allow your prospects to do.

Once you do this, you can talk about how it works.

  • How it works

You don’t need to list A-Z what your products can do but what we’re trying to do:

  1. Add additional information that your prospects need to make progress.
  2. Figure out their anxieties and information that people need to make progress on what to do next.

You can do this through the FAQ on your landing page, put the common questions that people have about your service, normally these are the stuff that’s going to keep them from making the progress.

After you know the structures of your landing page, it’s time to take 15 minutes to assemble the page! Again, you can make it through post-it notes, google slides, etc. Whatever is going to be quick for you. 

How to quickly spot and overcome comprehension issues on Landing Page?

This is the portion where we get into comprehension testing paper testing. 90 percents of website landing page traffic bounces and that 90 percents of your budget burned gone. 

Well, there are loads of reasons why, such as low targeting, slow pages or maybe you are asking too much of your prospects. But the number one reason that you need to note is their comprehension. People might not understand what your landing page is all about. 

What you are going to do:

  1. Show someone your page (you don’t have to pick an ideal customer profile because we don’t try to see whether they like it or not but what we’re trying to do is the comprehension). How people understand our landing page. We are trying to minimize the 90 percents bounce rate.
  2. Show them in 5 seconds, don’t tell them what it is before the 5 seconds. Then ask them what they understand? What do they see? What do they remember?

Based on that information you can take that feedback and change your landing page from words, visual or even elements, basically the information hierarchy. Next, give them back in 10 seconds. Ask them again. In this section, it’s how you also can fill in your FAQ or How it works. You gather the information that they might ask you about the landing page.

How to quickly find your winning proposition without having to spend?

Here we’re not looking for perfection, take your 3 core propositions and break them apart, make them distinct. Most people’s mistake is that they take three of it and throw them together in one. 

Create a statement in each proposition then you can create ads based on it. Use the same images with different copies. After that you can see the results based on the ads click through rates and conversion. You can know which one is your winning proposition then you can your headline and homepage of your landing page to reflect that proposition.

Have you already got the points of what you are going to do to make the best version of your landing page?

So here are keys to remember:
  • Know your prospects’ outcomeIgoal to achieve when they land on your landing page.
  • Use 4 forces that help you to put yourself in your prospects’ headspace.
  • Prepare 15 minutes landing page creation with the following structure above.
  • Get the comprehension testing for your landing page to make sure your prospects understand what your productIservice is all about.
  • Find your winning proposition through ads testing that land to your landing page.

Remember, it’s an iterative process. Make sure you keep improving your landing page, take feedback, validate it and change it to better ones.