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Stop guessing, start simulating. Our new product is your innovative marketing advantage. This AI-powered tool acts as your personal marketing strategist, predicting campaign results before you invest.

Gone are the days of time-consuming, resource-draining marketing campaigns. With Higrowth’s AI solution, you can generate customised campaigns in seconds, gaining the competitive edge you need to thrive in today’s fast-paced digital landscape. Optimise execution, gain valuable insights, and drive growth across your entire team.

Key Features


AI-powered Simulation

Analyse your internal data alongside market trends (all GDPR-compliant) to generate data-driven marketing roadmaps.


Effortless Campaign Automation

Run small-scale tests and seamlessly scale successful campaigns to maximise impact.


Real-time KPI Visualisation

Track key performance indicators in a clear, user-friendly dashboard and make data-driven decisions in real-time.

Why Be a Beta Tester?


Unlock early access

Seize a competitive edge by becoming an early adopter of our state-of-the-art technology, harnessing the power of your existing marketing data and AI to revolutionise your marketing results.


Tailor-made, ready-made

Instantly benefit from three fully customised, engaging, and highly targeted marketing campaigns, along with complete access to all our latest features and updates.


Exclusive beta rewards

Gain access to our powerful approach to achieving results. This exclusive program includes a focused workshop and customer validation to ensure you get the most out of it.

What We Expect from You

  • Provide honest feedback: Your insights help us identify areas for improvement and ensure we meets your needs.

  • Report Bugs: Help us identify and fix any issues to improve the product.

Who Should Apply?

  • B2B tech companies with 5-50 employees

  • B2B tech companies looking to unlock the power of AI for next-level marketing

Be the first to test, the fastest to grow. Join our beta testing program now.

Join the Beta Elite

Beta testing FAQ

This is a program where a select group of users can try out the latest features and functionalities of Higrowth AI tool POC before it's publicly available.
CEO, CMO, Marketer from B2B tech companies with 5-50 employees.
You will know soon after filling out the form! After filling out our form, you will be contacted by our team for the next step.
The execution of beta testing program is 4 weeks.
The whole process will take 4-7 weeks. We will do a technical setup, the execution of the beta testing program, then we will show you the result of the execution. Everything will be monitored from our side 24/7, with a 15 minutes weekly standup session.
Your feedback will be implemented to your data which will help you choose your next step of your marketing campaigns, and it will also be used for our research to upgrade our product in the next version.
We analyse your quantitative data (e.g., market analysis, internal company data) and qualitative data (e.g., interviews with your team) to generate deep insights. This allows us to tailor our recommendations and strategies to your specific business needs and goals. We also use your data to monitor and adjust ongoing marketing campaigns. By continuously analysing performance metrics, we can identify and address any issues promptly, ensuring your campaigns are always optimised for the best possible results.
We prioritise the security and privacy of your data. Access to our web application is restricted to authorised users who have subscribed through our website. Your data is handled in compliance with all relevant data protection regulations (including GDPR) to ensure it remains confidential and secure.
Your data will continue to be protected with the same high standards of security, including encryption, access controls, and regular audits, ensuring its ongoing safety. We will continue to ensure that your data is not shared with unauthorized third parties. Any data shared with third parties (e.g., for analytics purposes) will be anonymized and aggregated to protect your privacy. We are committed to maintaining the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of your data, both during and after the beta program, to support your business growth and success.
During the Proof of Concept (POC) phase, your data will not be directly accessible to you. However, we are committed to transparency and control over your data. Your data is securely stored and processed internally by the Higrowth team to refine and enhance our services. This data helps us ensure the accuracy and effectiveness of our AI-powered solutions. Even though the data is not accessible to you during this phase, it is still protected by robust security measures, including encryption and access controls, to ensure its safety and confidentiality.
If you wish to delete your data during the POC, you can contact our support team [tech@higrowth.eu]. We will process your request promptly, ensuring your data is removed securely from our systems. Once the MVP dashboard is live, you will have self-service options to delete your data directly through the platform, enhancing your control and autonomy.