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Before you begin

  • You must have full control of the business portfolio.

Give a partner access to business assets

To add partners to your business portfolio in Business Manager:

  1. Go to Business settings.
  2. Below Users, click Partners.

Click Add. Select Give a partner access to your assets.

  1. Enter Higrowth’s business ID (361354617682000). Click Next.
  2. Select these assets types that you will assign to Higrowth:
    1. Pages
    2. Ad accounts
    3. Catalogues (if applicable)
    4. Apps (if applicable)
    5. Pixels
    6. Instagram accounts
  3. Choose the assets that you want to add Higrowth to in the second column.
  4. Assign Full Control in the third column.
  1. Repeat these steps for all the assets you want to assign.
  2. Click Save changes.

Higrowth can now see the business assets that you assigned to us.